Houkulele: Houston's Ukulele Club

Houkulele is Houston’s ukulele club, a vibrant community of players of all ages and skill levels. We represent the culturally diverse Greater Houston Area and have fun encouraging each other to grow musically while connecting with the public through our shared love of the ukulele.

Want to contact us? Join our Facebook group!

Upcoming Events

Monday, August 10, 2015

Kevin Carroll workshops in September - save the date!

Save the date!

Ukulele musician and educator Kevin Carroll of Austin will be in Houston to teach 2 ukulele workshops on Saturday, September 12th.

We are seeking your input for additional ideas, but the first session is planned to focus on developing individual playing skills; the second on growing ensemble playing.

Details of time, place, etc., to follow in subsequent posts.

We're really looking forward to this chance to play and learn together and hope to see you there!

Check out Kevin's web site at: www.kevincarroll.net

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