Houkulele: Houston's Ukulele Club

Houkulele is Houston’s ukulele club, a vibrant community of players of all ages and skill levels. We represent the culturally diverse Greater Houston Area and have fun encouraging each other to grow musically while connecting with the public through our shared love of the ukulele.

Want to contact us? Join our Facebook group!

Upcoming Events

Monday, August 12, 2013

Mark your calendars: Ukulele Open House and Mighty Uke viewing on September 17th

Join us the evening of September 17th at the R B Tullis Library (21569 U.S. 59, New Caney, TX) from 6:30-8:30PM for a Ukulele Open House and viewing of the documentary Mighty Uke. The full details can be found on our Meetup site.

Never heard of Mighty Uke? Now you have!

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